Course Content

This module from the Advanced Islamic Jurisprudence Program covers three main areas of study:

1. An overview of the history of the Hanafi school:

  • The life of Imam Abu Hanifa and his students
  • Unique features of the Imam & disputes surrounding his personality 
  • The spread of the Hanafi school throughout history 
  • The Hanafi school in the modern era 

2. Comprehensive coverage of modern-day fiqhi issues and 'controversial' questions from contemporary fatwa works such as:

  • Ijtihad & taqlid
  • Tashabbuh
  • Salat times
  • Moon sighting
  • Photography 
  • Marriage & divorce
  • Business 
  • Mortgages
  • Gender interactions 
  • Growing a beard

3. Evidences of the Hanafi school through I’la al-Sunan, Nasb al-Raya and other works.

  • Hanafi methods of deriving rulings
  • Response to attacks on the Hanafi school
  • Books dedicated to the defence of the school

Upon completion of this module, students will have an in depth understanding of the Hanafi school, its founders and main works. Students will be able locate the evidence for opinions within the Hanafi school as well have experienced how Hanafi Law applies to contemporary scenarios.

  • Dates

    The course starts in September 2023

  • On-site and Online

    Recordings Available for this course

  • Course Fee


What our students say about the program

“…The institute is built around a developed level of study, it broadens your mind to a new way of living. The style of teaching is very well adapted to the times we live in which is essential for any British Muslim seeking out Islam. I recommend the institute to all seekers of Islam and pray Allah makes it easy for you.”

Shirin Sheth, UK

“Alhamdulillah very pleased to have joined this course. A must take for grads of Dars e Nizami courses. The lessons create confidence for those serving their communities as imams, teachers etc. and make up for the deficiencies/laziness from the days of studying in madrassah. Masha’allah I can only describe the teachers as Gems, full of knowledge and also ready to help. Taking this course has opened up to me just how much more there is to learn!”

Zayd Mehtar, UK

“The Advanced Jurisprudence course has been a very beneficial experience for me. Not only are the instructors demonstrably knowledgeable in their respective fields, but they are great teachers. Students are encouraged to ask questions in class and instructors make themselves available through discussion forums.”

Umm Abdillah

“Despite being an online student and not being in-person at the Institute, I have found that the course has helped me to make the jump from simply sufficing with the text I am studying to regularly referring to other texts and resources to verify my understanding and to gain more depth, both because of the teachers and other students. It has also enabled me to understand the abwab of Fiqh much better than I had before, which in turn has increased my confidence when needing to convey masa’il to others.”

Imran Ahmed

“Immensely beneficial and completely interactive course, gave me the right understanding and confidence of even the most complex masa’il. In buyu’ (trade), it gave good insight in dealings with contracts of sharikah, mudarabah, waqf, hiba, wakalah, Kafalah, etc…… This course taught me to be responsible, liable, scrupulous and accountable in my everyday actions, dealings and speech. My personal message to Alims and Alimas is … take up these courses and develop yourselves in a short span of time, and become a source of guidance and spread the noor of this ilm in your community …. No words can do justice for what this course gave me. Alhamdulillah.”

Nassuha Ebrahim, Saudi Arabia


Shaykh Zeeshan Chaudri


September 2023 - July 2024

Course Start Date

September 2023


On-site and Online (Recordings of the live sessions are available for this course)


Monday to Wednesday, 10:30am to 11:30am British Standard Time

Exams & Assignments

Mid-Term Exams: 1 Assignment
End of Year Exams: Research Project

Course Fee


*Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained within this course is correct at the time of publication. Courses are subject to ongoing development, which could necessitate cancellation of, or alteration to, the advertised courses.


Shaykh Zeeshan Chaudri

Course Instructor

Shaykh Zeeshan Chaudri began his studies in the Institute of Islamic Education, Dewsbury where he enrolled into the Alimiyya program. He then transferred to Imam Zakariya Academy, London where he completed the program. Thereafter he completed an MA in Islamic studies at Markfield Institute of Higher Education. He is currently a teacher at Imam Zakariya Academy in the Alimiyya program and a second year PhD candidate at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). Shaykh Zeeshan is known for his avid love for reading and research and is therefore in charge of library and literary resources development at Whitethread Institute.

Why Study at Whitethread Institute?

  • Great studying environment

  • Interactive discussions between students and teachers

  • High level discussions where teachers are open to questions and do not shy away from sensitive or controversial issues

  • Comfortable studying environment

  • In depth coverage of topics

  • Deep understanding of the nuances of fiqh

  • Experienced and knowledgeable teachers

  • Students guided throughout their studies

  • All lessons taught in a practical manner relevant to current times