Hajj & Umrah: A Practical and Visual Guide
This course focuses on the spiritual and physical preparations of Umrah and Hajj, the logistics and detailed step-by-step procedure.
Understanding the intricacies of Hajj and Umrah is paramount for every Muslim planning to embark on these sacred journeys. The spiritual significance intertwined with the physical rituals demands meticulous preparation and deep comprehension.
Hajj is a journey of love; the fifth pillar of Islam and an obligation upon every sane adult Muslim with the physical, mental and financial ability to perform it. For most, performing Hajj is a once in a lifetime opportunity, making it a very unique journey to connect with Allah Most High and return as sinless as the day they were born.
Umrah, though not obligatory like Hajj, also holds great spiritual significance. It is a cherished act of devotion often undertaken to seek forgiveness, blessings, and spiritual renewal.
This course focuses on the spiritual and physical preparations of Umrah and Hajj, the logistics and detailed step-by-step procedure to complete the pilgrimages. It will provide students with a clear understanding of the rules and practical ins and outs so they can maximise their experience in the sacred lands.
Physical & Spiritual Preparation
3 Types of Hajj
Miqat Boundary
Preparing for & Donning Ihram
How to Perform Umrah
FIQ115 - Quiz 1
Overview of Hajj
8th Dhul Hijja
9th Dhul Hijja
10th Dhul Hijja
11th-13th Dhul Hijja
Rites and Rulings of Hajj Tamattu'
Women's Issues
Mistakes & Their Compensations
FIQ115 - Quiz 2
Hajj & Umrah: A Practical & Visual Guide Handout
Hajj: A Journey of Love
How to Pray on a Plane
Ihram Demonstration
How to Perform Salatul Janazah [Funeral Prayer]
FIQ200 - Final Assessment
Feedback Form
“Alhamdulilah this course offers many practical tips and tricks to help me prepare - I especially benefited from the handouts that I can use as checklists for Hajj and Umrah.”
This course aims to provide the student with the following:
Visual Guides of: All of the locations in Hajj & Umrah, Ihram, Janazah Prayer and more!
How to prepare for, put on and remain in the state of ihram
Detailed method of both Hajj & Umrah
The technical and practical knowledge to deal with the various situations one may encounter during Hajj & Umrah.
Learn how to avoid common pitfalls and how to compensate any potential mistakes
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This self-paced courses goes through the tafsir of 49th chapter of the Qur'an. Learn how to extract divine ethics and understand how the Qur'an has the solution for all of the world's problems.
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Learn about the soul and its journey through Imam Al-Haddad's Lives of Man.
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This unique online course will cover the Al-Wabil al-Sayyib of Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya.