Tafsir of Surah Nur
Appreciate the style of a Madinan surah and develop an in-depth understanding of Islamic morality, etiquette, spirituality and essential creed.
This course goes into the tafsir of each verse in this beautiful and deeply meaningful surah. Crucial aspects of an Islamic lifestyle are explored in great detail, from good etiquettes to hypocritical habits. This course also discusses major incidents such as the blasphemous rumour regarding our mother A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) and famous verses such as the Verse of Light, all in the short span of eight lessons. Surah Nur is a Madinan Surah. This course will allow the student to appreciate the Madani verses and style while developing an understanding of issues surrounding Islamic morality, etiquette, spirituality and belief discussed in the Surah. An incredibly fascinating course for every Muslim.
Take this course to grasp the beauty of this surah!
Introduction to Surah Nur
Lesson 1 Quiz
The Story of Ifk
Lesson 2 Quiz
Seeking Permission & Lowering Gaze
Lesson 3 Quiz
Modesty in Islam
Lesson 4 Quiz
Significance of Marriage
Lesson 5 Quiz
This course aims to provide the student with the following outcomes:
Essential etiquettes and morals that are befitting to the dignity of a Muslim
The correlation between each verse that perfectly ties the surah together
The full context and reasoning for the Islamic rulings on adultery, its punishment & lowering one's gaze
Story behind the rumor about Sayyidatuna A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her)
Habits of hypocrites and how to avoid them, as well as praiseworthy habits and actions
How to cleanse oneself of immoral desires
All Courses, Rayyan Courses, Islamic Essentials Certificate Program, Qur'an & Tafsir
Appreciate the style of a Madinan surah and develop an in-depth understanding of Islamic morality, etiquette, spirituality and essential creed.
All Courses, Rayyan Courses, Spirituality & Etiquette
Learn about the soul and its journey through Imam Al-Haddad's Lives of Man.
All Courses, Rayyan Courses, Islamic Essentials Certificate Program, Islamic History
A comprehensive, authentic and inspiring account of the blessed life of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) during the Makki period.