Social Etiquette in Islam
A course on social etiquette and manners in Islam based on Shaykh ‘Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah’s Min Adab al-Islam.
The beauty of Islam is such that there is a guiding principle for even the most basic tasks of everyday life. This course draws on material from Shaykh ‘Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah’s book Min Adab al-Islam to enlighten students with regards to basic social etiquettes in light of the beautiful Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ. It will cover the proper etiquette a Muslim should implement in everyday tasks from the very mundane such as opening a door, to the meaningful such as conversing and socialising.
Course Introduction & Importance of Appearance
Lesson 1 Quiz
Etiquettes of Entering & Leaving the House
Lesson 2 Quiz
The Manners of Visiting I
Lesson 3 Quiz
The Manners of Visiting II
Lesson 4 Quiz
The Manners of Conversation
Lesson 5 Quiz
Social Manners I
Lesson 6 Quiz
This course aims to provide the student with the following outcomes:
The Sunnahs pertaining to social etiquette
Introspection: reflecting upon one’s own etiquettes and bad habits
Lessons on how one’s mannerisms can be improved
The wisdom behind the recommended etiquettes for various acts
Islamic social etiquette in private and public gatherings
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