Mathnawi II: Divine Love
Study portions of the Mathnawi in which Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi delves into the most central theme of this book: Ishq-e-Haqiqi (Divine Love).
As part of our ongoing Mathnawi Series, this course begins our thematic study of the Mathnawi. The Mathnawi was written as a declaration of love for Allah Most High and this course will focus on specific excerpts from the Mathnawi in which Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi, its author, delves into the most central theme of this book: Ishq-e-Haqiqi. Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi intended the Mathnawi to serve as a gateway towards this Ishq-e-Haqiqi for the seeker of Allah.
Take this online course and experience how the Mathnawi can inspire seekers on the path to connect themselves with Ishq-e-Haqiqi, guiding them to understand its ways, clearing away confusions and inspiring them to strive until they reach the True Beloved.
The instructor of this course, Shaykh Tameem Ahmadi, an expert in the language and contents of the Mathnawi, offers a refreshing perspective in introducing this book to the student in hopes of not just reviving the traditional understanding of the book but also to rejuvenate and replenish the soul of the modern believer with love for the Creator.
Note: This course covers selected readings from the Mathnawi over eight lessons and does not cover it in full.
The Opening: Cry of the Reed Flute and Its Relationship to Ishq-e-Haqiqi
Lesson 1 Quiz
The Reality of Allah’s Quality of Jadhb (Divine Attraction), Story of Pir-e-Changi
Lesson 2 Quiz
Need and Aspiration for the True Beloved
Lesson 3 Quiz
Unseen Manifestations of Ishq-e-Haqiqi
Lesson 4 Quiz
He Loves them and they Love Him (Book II: Intro)
Relationship of the True-Beloved with His Lovers
This course covers the following topics:
Cry of the Reed Flute and Its Relationship to Ishq-e-Haqiqi (Book I: 1)
The Reality of Allah’s Quality of Jadhb (Divine Attraction), Story of Pir-e-Changi (Book I: 1913, 2072-2161)
Need and Aspiration for the True Beloved (Book II: 3274-83, Book III: 3210-3219)
Unseen Manifestations of Ishq-e-Haqiqi (Book I: 1951)
He Loves them and they Love Him (Book II: Intro)
Relationship of the True-Beloved with His Lovers, Why the believer’s prayer at times goes unanswered
Igniting the Love of Allah Through the Mention of Love and Lovers; Story of the Weeping Date Palm in Masjid Nabawi (Book I: 2113)
Tafsir of ما شاء الله and the Attitude of the Lover towards the True-Beloved (Book I: 1878)
All Courses, Rayyan Courses, Mawlana Rumi's Mathnawi, Spirituality & Etiquette
An introduction to the Mathnawi of Rumi covering the author's biography, themes, special features of the text and prerequisites to understanding the book.
All Courses, Rayyan Courses, Mawlana Rumi's Mathnawi, Spirituality & Etiquette
Selected readings from the Mathnawi focusing on spiritual lessons that unite a seeker’s heart and soul with the Divine Guidance of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
All Courses, Rayyan Courses, Spirituality & Etiquette
Learn about the life and works of Shaykh Farid al-Din Attar and study his Futuwwat Namah (Book of Spiritual Chivalry).