Human beings across time have grappled with questions of faith, power, and resistance in the face of oppression. In this enlightening journey through Surah Ghāfir (The Forgiver), we explore how the Qurʾān addresses these timeless themes through its powerful narrative and distinctive linguistic features. 

Join us as we analyze both the rhetorical devices and thematic elements that make this surah particularly compelling - from its intense debates between faith and disbelief to its masterful use of storytelling. Through close reading of key passages and linguistic analysis, this course will deepen our understanding of both the message and the unique literary style that conveys it, inspiring us – by Allah's permission – to better appreciate the Qurʾān's divine eloquence while drawing practical lessons for our lives.

This course is structured across 11 comprehensive sessions. The first session serves as an introduction to the surah, exploring its historical context, major themes. The remaining 10 lessons each cover approximately 8 verses, allowing for an in-depth analysis of the text. This measured pace enables us to thoroughly examine the surah's arguments, stories, and rhetorical devices while drawing out practical lessons for our contemporary context. Each lesson will include close reading of the text, analysis of key terms and concepts, and discussion of their modern applications.

Deepen your gratitude and personal connection to Allah’s countless blessings by reflecting on His divine attributes

Course Curriculum

    1. Introduction to Surah Ghafir

    2. QUR109 - Quiz 1

    1. Verses 1 - 7

    2. QUR109 - Quiz 2

    1. Verses 8 - 15

    2. QUR109 - Quiz 3

    1. Verses 16 - 24

    2. QUR108 - Quiz 4

    1. Verses 25 - 33

    2. QUR108 - Quiz 5

    1. Lesson 6

About this course

  • NEW Elective Course
  • Rayyan Courses Subscription
  • Deep Dive Series

What will you learn in this course?

This course aims to provide the student with the following outcomes:

  • Understand the profound relationship between faith and moral courage in the face of oppression

  • Make sense of the Qur’ans arguments for Allah’s existence, Divine Oneness and the Resurrection

  • Appreciate the surah's literary features and rhetorical devices in conveying its powerful message

  • Recognise the characteristics and consequences of tyrannical power and arrogant rejection of truth

  • Learn from the exemplary model of the believing man from Pharaoh's family through analysis of his discourse

  • Understand how resistance to oppression can emerge from within systems of power, and the role of privinleged allies in supporting truth

  • Understand the importance of daʿwah and wise counsel even in hostile environments

  • Identify modern manifestations of shirk in our contemporary world, from materialism to absolute faith in human systems

  • Comprehend the role of divine forgiveness and punishment in the broader Qurʾānic narrative

  • Strengthen conviction in the final accountability and ultimate justice through the surah's powerful arguments

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Mawlana Asim Ayub

Course Instructor

Mawlana Asim Ayub is a graduate of Darul Uloom Bury where he completed the traditional Alimiyyah program. He further went on to complete a BSc in Economics and MSc in Economic History from Brunel University and the LSE, followed by a PGCE from Brunel. He has studied further in specific Islamic sciences including Kalam, logic and Usool Hadith with various highly-qualified scholars. He is a resident instructor at the Karima Foundation.