Mathnawi I: Wisdoms
Selected readings from the Mathnawi focusing on spiritual lessons that unite a seeker’s heart and soul with the Divine Guidance of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
Following our course ‘An Introduction to Mawlana Rumi’s Mathnawi’ this course dives straight into the stories of the Mathnawi and brings to life in the English language the important spiritual lessons contained within them.
Understanding the true purport of the author, Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi, is an essential component of this course so that this text is understood according to the principles of tasawwuf. This course offers a perspective free from the misinterpretations and aspersions of those who view it without the lens of the Shari’ah while simultaneously bringing to light the Qur’anic proofs to the concepts elucidated in this book. The Mathnawi is a celebrated and oft-studied text in academic circles today yet few traditional English-speaking voices exist to shed light on the book’s original purpose. The Mathnawi was written to enable the seeker on the path towards Allah to open his or heart to the spiritual teachings of the Shar’iah and Sunnah. The instructor of this course, Shaykh Tameem Ahmadi, an expert in the language and contents of the Mathnawi, offers a refreshing perspective in introducing this book to the student in hopes of not just reviving the traditional understanding of the book but also to rejuvenate and replenish the soul of the modern believer with love for the Creator.
Note: This course covers selected readings from the Mathnawi over seven lessons and does not cover it in full.
Tribulation of the Believers – I
Lesson 1 Quiz
Tribulation of the Believers – II
Lesson 2 Quiz
Parable of the Foal’s Refusal to Drink Water
Lesson 3 Quiz
Story of the Tanner Who Fainted
Lesson 4 Quiz
The Preacher Who Prayed For The Wicked
Lesson 5 Quiz
Does God Create Evil?
Lesson 6 Quiz
This course covers the following topics:
Parable of the true believers fleeing from tribulation (Book III, 4159, 232)
Parable of the foal’s refusal to drink water (Book III, 4292, pg. 240)
Story of the tanner who fainted (Book IV, 257, pg. 286)
The preacher who prayed for the wicked and the wisdom from the trials of evil people (Book IV, 81, pg. 277)
Why God creates good and evil (Book II, 2535, pg. 352 also Book III, 1362, pg.76)
The shaykh who showed no grief at the death of his sons (Book III, 1774, pg.99)
All Courses, Rayyan Courses, Mawlana Rumi's Mathnawi, Spirituality & Etiquette
An introduction to the Mathnawi of Rumi covering the author's biography, themes, special features of the text and prerequisites to understanding the book.
All Courses, Rayyan Courses, Mawlana Rumi's Mathnawi, Spirituality & Etiquette
Study portions of the Mathnawi in which Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi delves into the most central theme of this book: Ishq-e-Haqiqi (Divine Love).
All Courses, Rayyan Courses, Spirituality & Etiquette
Learn about the life and works of Shaykh Farid al-Din Attar and study his Futuwwat Namah (Book of Spiritual Chivalry).