Spiritual Chivalry
Learn about the life and works of Shaykh Farid al-Din Attar and study his Futuwwat Namah (Book of Spiritual Chivalry).
Rumi has become a common household name which audiences in the east as well as the west have great respect and reverence for being a literary and Sufic giant. Despite this, many are unaware as to where Mawlana Rumi received his inspiration from. Few are aware that it was none other than Shaykh Farid al-Din Attar who inspired Mawlana Rumi both intellectually and spiritually.
In this course, we will learn about the life and works of this great Shaykh whom Western Muslim audiences are generally unaware of. And we will also cover one of his unique texts known as the Futuwwat Namah, the Book of Spiritual Chivalry.
The Futuwwat Namah is an 82-line mathnawi on the 72 conditions of the spiritual path of futuwwah by the great Sufi master and sage, Shaykh Farid al-Din Attar (may Allah have mercy on him).
Imam al-Sulami said:
“May Allah bestow upon you His pleasure. You asked about futuwwah. Know that futuwwah means following the commandments of perfect devotion, leaving all evil, and attaining in action and in thought the best of visible and hidden good conduct. Every condition and every moment demand from you one aspect of futuwwah. There is no state or time without that demand. There is a futuwwah fit for your behavior toward Allah, another toward the Messenger, and others toward his sahaba; yet others toward the pious predecessors, your teacher, your brethren in Din, and the two angels on your shoulders who keep the accounting of your deeds.”
The details of this profound definition of futuwwah will be expounded upon in this in-depth and spiritually uplifting course.
Life of Shaykh Attar & Overview of the Book
Lesson 1 Quiz
Introduction to the Concept of Futuwwat and Its Prerequisites
Lesson 2 Quiz
Conditions of Futuwwat: Muruwwat and Sidq
Lesson 3 Quiz
Staying Vigilant Against All Evil
Lesson 4 Quiz
SPY424 Quiz
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All Courses, Rayyan Courses, Mawlana Rumi's Mathnawi, Spirituality & Etiquette
An introduction to the Mathnawi of Rumi covering the author's biography, themes, special features of the text and prerequisites to understanding the book.
All Courses, Rayyan Courses, Mawlana Rumi's Mathnawi, Spirituality & Etiquette
Selected readings from the Mathnawi focusing on spiritual lessons that unite a seeker’s heart and soul with the Divine Guidance of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
All Courses, Rayyan Courses, Mawlana Rumi's Mathnawi, Spirituality & Etiquette
Study portions of the Mathnawi in which Mawlana Jalal al-Din Rumi delves into the most central theme of this book: Ishq-e-Haqiqi (Divine Love).