Forty Hadith on Tazkiyah
An enlightening study of forty hadiths on reformation of character and spiritual purification. Learn how to protect yourself from actions which necessitate everlasting regret and sorrow.
A study of forty hadith on reformation of character and spiritual purification. This course is an engaging and practical guide to success in this life as well as the akhira, or Afterlife. Not only does this course explore remedies and essential matters for the soul but it also covers elegant manners that befit all people. Through this enlightening study of sound Prophetic hadiths, seekers of knowledge will learn how to protect themselves from those actions which necessitate everlasting regret and sorrow. Further, it reveals the keys to integrating the noble and pure traits that were taught by the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace).
Allah’s Messenger (may Allah bless him and give him peace) used to say: The true mujaahid is the one who fights against his own soul.” [Tirmidhi]
Embark upon a journey to purify your heart and soul with gems from the hadith. Learn the tazkiyyah and tasawwuf of the Sunnah.
An Introduction to the Course
Lesson 1 Quiz
Virtues of Excellent Character
Lesson 2 Quiz
Virtues of Patience & Gratitude
Lesson 3 Quiz
Denouncing Lying, Anger & Greed
Lesson 4 Quiz
Warning Against Jealousy
Lesson 5 Quiz
This course aims to provide the student with the following outcomes:
Understand the importance of rectifying oneself
Noble traits that are worthy of emulation & evil traits to avoid
How to adopt noble traits & stay away from and control evil traits
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A unique online course on interpreting dreams.
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An introduction to the Mathnawi of Rumi covering the author's biography, themes, special features of the text and prerequisites to understanding the book.
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Journey through the lives of three great leaders: Salahuddin Ayyubi, Muhammad Fatih & Aurangzeb (may Allah have mercy upon them).