The Contemporary Muslimah: The Big Picture
An essential course for all Muslimahs in the 21st century trying to lead a fruitful life in accordance with the Will of Allah and His Messenger (may Allah bless him and give him peace).
"The Contemporary Muslimah" is a short course designed to enable Muslim women to think deeply about and make critical decisions regarding their identity and how they conduct themselves in the world today. By unpacking ideas often taken for granted, it will invite participants to question their assumptions and their priorities, forcing them out of their comfort zones.
The course covers a wide array of topics including mental and emotional health, feminism, women's leadership, the fiqh of dressing and beautification and the etiquettes of male-female interaction in various settings. It addresses common critiques on Islam's position on issues related to women such as polygamy, and clarifies the Islamic perspective on contentious contemporary issues like homosexuality and transgenderism.
By putting into perspective the purpose of our existence and shedding light on how this purpose is to be achieved, it promises to go beyond being merely informative to being a truly transformative experience.
We do not shy-away from any topics, nothing is taboo! To name a few:
Islam & Sexuality
Unpacking Feminism
Women's Right to Marriage & Divorce
Marriage of Ayesha RA to the Prophet SAW
Women's Inheritance & Witnessing Being Half of Men
“The Contemporary Muslimah course is an amazing one! A real eye opener and a must for EVERY woman. It doesn’t matter if you’re an Alimah or an academic, whether you’re living in the east or the west, this course will literally change your life and they way you see things. Ustazah Myra is a gem and how she tackles modern issues and then gives their solutions in light of the Quran, Sunnah and even at times simple logic is nothing short of perfection. She doesn’t shy away from taboo topics and explains the things the way they are. Women need to change their way of thinking not so that Islam fits their views of life rather that their views and opinions fit into the Islamic way of life. This course teaches you just how to do that!”
“Amazing course! Such a beautiful, therapeutic, and well-organized course for women living in these times of great fitna. Absolutely loved the ustadha teaching this course, mashaAllah! I would highly recommend it to all women because I found every single topic to be so applicable whether one is a housewife, college student, alimah graduate, or working woman.”
“I can honestly say that The Contemporary Muslimah course has been one of the most inspiring and thought provoking courses I have ever enrolled in. The course recordings were easy to access and the manner in which the content was taught left me in awe Alhamdulillah. Our beautiful deen is something we should be proud of and this course has reinforced that for me. I would definitely recommend this course to friends and family.”
“The courses at Rayyan have greatly helped me better understand my purpose and allowed me to recalibrate my intentions and actions to better align with the ultimate purpose of worshipping Allah. The courses have given me greater confidence in my deen and in my role as a Muslimah in all facets of my life and that has given me a lot of contentment in every stage of life or situation I find myself in Alhamdulillah. The excellent execution of course material and engaging teaching style has served to increase my thirst for further knowledge and instilled a deeper passion within me to keep learning more and more. ”
“This course helped me to recognise the significance of my role as a young Muslim woman. It has taught me how to be more aware of how I should act, how I should speak and how I should interact with others, whilst going about my day-to-day life.”
“As a recent madrasah graduate, I was looking for courses that would help further my understanding of the Deen in different aspects. This was the first course I took regarding how to address today's fitan and I was a bit hesitant but I couldn't have been more pleased with everything! The teacher was absolutely amazing, very understanding, and easily reachable. The syllabus was clearly outlined and the recordings made it easy to catch up any missed notes. I can't think of any problem with the course - it was just great!”
“This was a holistic course that covered each and every aspect of contemporary growing issues related to women. The course material was just perfect for the course title. Personally, educationally and spiritually at all three levels, this course was highly beneficial. There were so many things I didn't know, basic and simple things that I considered to be very difficult were explained in a very simple and easy way that helped me grow a lot. This course is for all those who are in a dilemma related to women right and status in Islam. It's a great course and every muslimah should take it It was not beneficial in just one way , it covered each and every aspect of a women role and status. You can be a mother, a daughter, a wife but above all you are a muslimah woman, the servant of Allah and this course teaches you how to serve your role in the best way possible, obliging by the commandments of Allah (SWT) along with playing your role in this world. ”
“I've really felt a longing to study Islam for quite a while so that I can properly understand what my deen requires of me and what my true purpose in life is (something which I've had difficulty in understanding prior to this course). I was so excited when Rayyan Courses rolled out this amazing course and I've honestly enjoyed each and every session.”
“I would like to show my utmost gratitude to Ustadha Myra, and the Rayyan team for all of their hard work to make this course come to life. Masha Allah Ustadha Myra has put in a lot of effort to make this course relevant to the current times and each session has been thought provoking and encouraged participants to reflect on their own journey as women with multiple roles. I pray Allah accepts everyone's hard work and effort, and make this course a means of khair and goodness for many years to come. May Allah SWT accept everyone's effort and I look forward to studying with Whitethread insha Allah in the near future.”
“This course has allowed me to be a better Muslim. Before I didn't understand and thought women were oppressed, but it was culture not deen. I feel sisters would learn and benefit a lot, and know they aren't bad if they make mistakes; they are all beautiful inside & out, and shouldn’t let society let them down.”
A whole host of topics will be covered in the course including:
Why do we need to cover?
What is awrah? The different levels of what needs to be covered
How can the requirement be fulfilled?
Why do we want to look good? Why should we want to look good?
Halal and haram of make-up and cosmetic procedures
Modesty beyond clothing
No, all the sessions are pre-recorded and are available on demand to take at your own pace.
All our courses have a time frame to encourage students to participate and complete the course. From our experience, we have found if there is no deadline, then we naturally procrastinate and end up not completing the course.
We expect all students who pay for the course to have explicit use of the content and should not be shared.
Discount is available for students who took this course in the past. If you were one of those students and would like to re-take the course, please email [email protected]