Attaining Sublime Character
Learn how to adopt good character and attain paradise by understanding the difference between praiseworthy and blameworthy character traits.
Tasawwuf is the branch of Islamic knowledge that deals with states of the heart; its subject matter is the reformation of character, while its aim is the attainment of Divine Pleasure. The method of acquisition of this Divine Pleasure is through complete submission to the Shari’ah and Sunnah.
Recognising the obligation upon each and every Muslim to purify their heart, this course aims to comprehensively address the issues surrounding praiseworthy and blameworthy character traits so that the seeker can learn to differentiate between good and evil.
Through this course, students will explore how to purify the negative forces in oneself, focusing on major spiritual diseases such as arrogance, conceitedness, ostentation, anger, jealousy, malice and more. Furthermore, students will build awareness of Allah by adorning the heart with lofty attributes such as gratitude, submission, sincerity, reliance, modesty and much more.
The causes and practical cures to spiritual diseases will be discussed in light of the Qur’an and Sunnah as understood and explained by the classical scholars of Islam.
It is hoped by the end of this course, the seeker will have ample resources to transform their relationship with their Creator, Allah Most High.
“Successful is the one who has purified his soul and unsuccessful is the one who does not purify it.” (Qur’an 91: 9-10)
Praiseworthy Traits (Part I)
Lesson 1 Quiz
Praiseworthy Traits (Part II)
Lesson 2 Quiz
Praiseworthy Traits (Part III)
Lesson 3 Quiz
Praiseworthy Traits (Part IV)
Lesson 4 Quiz
Blameworthy Traits (Part 1.1)
Blameworthy Traits (Part 1.2)
Lesson 5 Quiz
This course aims to provide the student with the following outcomes:
Appreciate the importance of inner reform and spirituality, and the role they play in bringing a person to the Straight Path.
Develop a firm understanding of the reality of praiseworthy traits and blameworthy traits
Discover practical guidelines to develop a noble character
Learn procedures to eliminate and cure the heart from lowly attributes
Comprehend the reality of contentment with the Divine Decree in all conditions
Transform your relationship with Allah and feel spiritually uplifted!
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Conquer gluttony and lust with the timeless wisdom of Imam Ghazali and elevate your spiritual journey.
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Journey through the lives of three great leaders: Salahuddin Ayyubi, Muhammad Fatih & Aurangzeb (may Allah have mercy upon them).