In this unique course, Maulana Usman Ali explores the Intelligent Design Theory, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. He also breaks down the commentaries on the Intelligent Design Theory by major scientists in the field of Darwinian Evolution, deconstructing their assumptions and highlighting their flaws. He also discusses the digression of William Paley’s argument of Intelligent Design, contrasting it with Hume’s argument against it. Further commentaries from other experts in the field such as Elliot Sober and Richard Dawkins are deconstructed, identifying the correct philosophy. Finally, the argument from Imperfection is analysed, its weaknesses from a theological perspective recognized as well as scrutinising explanations from experts such as Kenneth Miller and Michael Behe.

Course Curriculum

    1. Intelligent Design Theory: Hume versus Paley I

    2. Lesson 1 Quiz

    1. Intelligent Design Theory: Hume versus Paley II

    2. Lesson 2 Quiz

    1. Darwinian Evolution versus Intelligent Design: Argument from Imperfection I

    2. Lesson 3 Quiz

    1. Darwinian Evolution versus Intelligent Design: Argument from Imperfection II

    2. Lesson 4 Quiz

    1. AQD502 Quiz

    2. Feedback Form

About this course

  • 1 hour of video content
  • Certificate upon completion
  • Elective Course

What will you learn in this course?

This course covers the following topics:

  • What is Intelligent Design?

  • Arguments for Intelligent Design

  • Arguments against Intelligent Design

  • Argument from Imperfection

  • What is Darwinian Evolution?

  • Self-Paced Online Courses

    You no longer need to travel long distances for classes. Our flexible courses work around your schedule.

  • Authentic Islamic Scholars

    Our courses are taught by qualified Islamic scholars. All of them are experts in their respective fields.

  • Progress Tracking

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Maulana Usman Ali

Course Instructor

Maulana Usman Ali is an Alimiyyah graduate who taught both Islamic and Secular Sciences at various institutes of learning. Concurrently, a Chartered Senior Specialist in Biomedical Sciences and Section Leader in Haematology with clinical laboratory and research roles, and a PhD candidate and an Associate Lecturer at the University of Portsmouth.