Islamic Essentials Certificate Program
Structured learning for spiritual growth from the comfort of your home
Here are the 20 short courses you must complete to complete the Islamic Essentials Certificate Program:
An introductory course providing a detailed overview of the Qur’anic sciences (Ulum al-Qur’an).
An illuminating journey through Tawuwudh, Bismillah, Surah Fatiha and the last ten surahs of the Noble Qur’an.
Journey through Surah Kahf’s main stories, from the struggles of the Companions of the Cave to the lessons learned from the relationship between Musa (as) and Khidr (as) and beyond.
Appreciate the style of a Madinan surah and develop an in-depth understanding of Islamic morality, etiquette, spirituality and essential creed.
Journey through the heart of the Qur’an while focusing on the Qur’anic guidance regarding tawhid, affirmation of the risalah of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and the affairs of the akhirah.
An introductory course on aqidah for beginners conveying the essential aspects of our creed based on authentic teachings firmly ingrained in the Qur’an and Sunnah.
A foundational course offering an in-depth exploration of the science of Hadith and its significance in Islam
A study of the Book of Knowledge (Kitab al-'Ilm). Experience a primary hadith text and discover various unique and interesting hadiths from Imam Abu Dawud's compilation.
Study selected portions from longer hadith and truly appreciate the enormous wisdom of the Sunnah in a concise and profound manner.
An introductory course on purification covering actions such as wudu, ghusl, tayammum, etc. as understood by the scholars of the Hanafi school in light of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
An introductory course covering the fundamentals of Salat as understood by the scholars of the Hanafi school in light of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
This course offers a comprehensive and insightful journey into two of Islam’s most fundamentals pillars. It is designed to empower you to confidently practice these acts of worship with precision and understanding.
A comprehensive, authentic and inspiring account of the blessed life of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) during the Makki period.
A comprehensive, authentic, and inspiring account of the blessed life of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) during the Madani Period
Journey through the blessed lives of the Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs of Islam: Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthman and ‘Ali – may Allah be pleased with them all.
Explore the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ on the meaning of life, worship, wealth, and character through a transformative study of Kitab ar-Riqaq (Book of Heart-Softening Traditions) from Mishkat al-Masabih.
Journey through the famous text Riyad al-Salihin by Imam Nawawi with a detailed study of the book's muqaddimah (introduction) and the final hadith.
An enlightening study of forty hadiths on reformation of character and spiritual purification. Learn how to protect yourself from actions which necessitate everlasting regret and sorrow.
Learn how to adopt good character and attain paradise by understanding the difference between praiseworthy and blameworthy character traits.
A course on social etiquette and manners in Islam based on Shaykh ‘Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah’s Min Adab al-Islam.
“I am a new Muslim. I embraced Islam over 1 year ago. I am enjoying gaining knowledge at a slow and steady pace so as I don’t overload myself. I love your site and it has helped me immensely in gaining useful knowledge all in the one place. I also really enjoy taking part in the quizzes as I feel it's a great incentive to continue learning more. ”
“Alhamdulilah this website and course is a blessing from Allah. For those who want to cover the obligatory knowledge and are unable to learn directly from a scholar or just brush up on their knowledge it is amazing!! I have benefited so much and will continue to insha Allah. So many Muslims around the world can benefit as it is shockingly easy to access. ”
“If you’re looking for qualified and committed teachers who present a wide array of Islamic sciences and subjects in a clear and understandable manner, using modern teaching tools and techniques, all at an affordable price, then look no further than Rayyan Institute!”
“My experience with Rayyan Institute has been wonderful. This institute provides very comprehensive, authentic and valuable course content. It has been a pleasurable experience learning what I have so far, hope to continue and gain more knowledge online.”
Yes, most lessons have a multiple choice quiz. There is also a multiple choice final exam for every course.
No. Our program does not make one an Islamic scholar (Alim) but it does give one the ability to have a firm understanding of the Islamic sciences as a layperson.
Yes it is 100% online.
Become a monthly subscriber to Rayyan Courses to access all our courses. The membership also gives you access to our self-paced elective courses.
We will send you an electronic signed completion certificate after you successfully complete the curriculum courses. You will also receive a certificate for each individual course that you complete.